Summer Mission Trip 2022

You are invited to travel to Minnesota with us this summer to make a difference!!

Whether you are part of a group or an individual, a youth (at least entering 9th grade for the 2022-23 school year) or an adult of any age, there is a role for you! 

Saturday, July 23rd – Friday, July 29th


What can you expect to be similar to past mission trips?

  • There will be 3 large group evenings of worship and music
  • 4 days of mission work
  • All local transportation to be covered by event cost
  • Local lodging to be covered in cost
  • Most meals to be covered in cost
  • All mission work expenses covered in cost
  • A “work leader” and an “adult leader” to be on each site

What can you expect to be different than past mission trips?

  • There will be one day “on the town” and another evening to discover life/culture as congregations.
  • Meals while “on the town” with congregations are not covered in cost.
  • We may ask an adult leader to drive to and from the worksite with provided transportation.
  • Congregations will need to cover the cost to arrive in Minnesota and return home.

The cost per participant will be $450.  See above to double check what this does and does not cover as this year will be slightly different than prior trips.

Registration can be started by emailing All registrations will be due by March 20th.


We are so excited to serve in Minnesota with you this summer!

Have more questions? Please feel free to reach out to with any other questions.