LutheranHANDS holds the safety and security of our volunteers as our highest priority.  As a not-for-profit incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we require all of our Adult Volunteers and Staff (Ages 18 and older) to be fully compliant with Pennsylvania’s Child Protection Laws.  All Adult Volunteers of age 18 and older MUST have proof of compliance uploaded to your volunteer profile at to be permitted to volunteer with us.  This applies to ALL Adults Volunteers and Staff (Ages 18 and older), no exceptions regardless of where we are volunteering, what state you live in, or what other state child protection laws you comply with.

The following documents must be obtained and uploaded to your volunteer profile on our website (

  1. PA State Criminal Record Check Results
  2. PA Child Abuse Clearance Results
  3. FBI Fingerprint Check Results OR Signed Disclosure Statement (indicates you have lived in the state of PA for the last 10 consecutive years)
  4. Signed Adult Covenant


To obtain the above clearances:

  • PA State Criminal Record Check:  LutheranHANDS requires all volunteers to have up-to-date criminal background check results uploaded to your LutheranHANDS volunteer profile.  Visit to obtain the results of a criminal background check.  Results are published electronically and mailed to you.  The easiest way to upload the results to your volunteer profile is to save the electronic results as a PDF.  Otherwise, you must scan the copy that is mailed to you and then upload it to your volunteer profile.
  • PA Child Abuse Clearance: LutheranHANDS requires all volunteers to have up-to-date child abuse clearance results uploaded to your LutheranHANDS volunteer profile.  You must create a keystone ID and login to complete the Child Abuse Clearance Results. Go to:  Results are published electronically and mailed to you.  The easiest way to upload the results to your volunteer profile is to save the electronic results as a PDF.  Otherwise, you must scan the copy that is mailed to you and then upload it to your volunteer profile.
  • FBI Fingerprint Check: Start online at  – On this website you can find fingerprinting locations and sign up to get the fingerprinting completed. Or, if you have lived in the state of PA for the last 10 consecutive years, submit a Signed Disclosure Statement instead of the FBI Fingerprint Check.
  • Adult Covenant:  Every youth and adult is required to sign a covenant stating that you will follow our rules while volunteering and accept the consequences associated with breaking the rules.  For adults, this includes a commitment to upload the Child Protection Requirements.


To ensure that all documents are the most recent prior to volunteering, all documents attached to your volunteer profile will be removed at the end of each calendar year.  If your clearances have not yet expired, then simply upload the active documentation or obtain current documentation from the appropriate source.  For example, LutheranHANDS covenants and waivers expire annually while state generated background check results may be acceptable for multiple years.


Please note:  LutheranHANDS requires all of the above documents to be on file with LutheranHANDS prior to you volunteering with us on a mission trip or any other LutheranHANDS sponsored volunteer event.  We will exercise the right to refuse you as a volunteer if you do not have these documents on file with us or if the results contain information where we are not legally allowed to permit you to volunteer around minors.


For more information from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, please review the following links:

PA Department of Human Services FAQs


If you have any questions about our Child Protection Requirements, please email us at

I am a high school senior who happens to turn 18 before we leave for a mission trip. Am I subject to these requirements?

Yes, any and all persons ages 18 and older are required to be compliant.  There are no exceptions.

I am a college student, not an adviser or leader. Am I subject to these requirements?

Yes, any and all persons ages 18 and older are required to be compliant.  There are no exceptions.

What happens if I do not have one or more of the above items complete when it comes time to leave for the mission trip?

You will not be allowed to attend the mission trip and you will not be given a refund.  Refunds are subject to the registration timeline so, if it gets to the time where we leave for the mission trip yet your clearances are not complete, you will not be given a refund.

When do these results and clearances expire?

The expiration timeframe for each has been established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  No more stringent timeframe has been set by LutheranHANDS.  We recommend that you retain a copy of your results and clearances at the time in which you receive them.  The burden of proof is on you to confirm your clearances and results are valid year over year.  To ensure compliance, LutheranHANDS will be deleting all documents uploaded to us at the end of every calendar year and requiring that you submit valid clearances.  If previously submitted clearances are still valid, resubmit them.  If they are not, you must obtain new clearances.